Saturday, October 22, 2011

secret love

deep within her secret heart,
she holds a gift,
more powerful than any other,
the gift is known as true love,
one of understanding,
and nurturing,
she longs to be in her loves arms,
but she knows the love will never live.
somewere within her secret heart,
the imagination flows,
and she dreams only of him.
somewere in her secret heart.


  1. Hello. Found you through the Writeroomies DA Group. Nice poem. ^^

  2. thank you i am glad to have some feedback, i love to write :3

  3. Me too. It is one of my favorite pass-times. ^^ And I'm hoping to someday go professional.

  4. me too thank you for reading my work. :3

  5. you know what daniel get the fuck off my profile and leave me the hell alone you are craving attention and your not getting it here fuck off
